Terms and conditions

General terms and conditions — Isabella Schyrbock & Jumanah Tubaileh, Munich Language Coaches GbR - Status: 01.01.2023

These general terms and conditions form the basis for the contractual relationship between the customer and MUNICH LANGUAGE COACHES GbR. They are an integral part of the contract.

§1 General conditions

All registration, cancellation and applications of any kind must be made in writing (preferably by email). Our teachers are not authorized to accept registrations, cancellations and applications.

§2 Lesson registration

The booking of each course offered requires a binding registration. To do this, the online registration form must be completed completely and truthfully. The company SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH GbR
We will then bindingly confirm within a maximum of one week but not earlier than 1 month before the start of the course whether the course will be completed. After confirmation of course registration, the full course fee is due for payment within one week, in any case before the start of the course. Please note that the student cannot attend the course without prior payment of the course fee. The course fees are still due and payable. After completing a course, the course participant has the opportunity to attend a follow-up course. Each follow-up course requires a new registration.

§3 Lessons:

SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH GbR assumes no responsibility for failure to reach a specific language level or fail exams. The recommended lessons for achieving a training goal are based on previous experience and may differ in individual cases. Success depends largely on the participation of the participant. We use third-party service providers, in particular Zoom, to provide our services. By booking, you agree and confirm that you have read Zoom's privacy policy https://zoom.us/de - de/privacy.html #_Toc44414845”

§ 4 Private, couple and company courses

For private, couple and corporate courses, course participants have the opportunity to decide for themselves how many lessons are booked. Booking a specific number of hours is mandatory. The course participant is not entitled to a refund of a partial amount if he does not wish to complete the full hours booked in advance. If the course participant is unable to attend, the lesson must be canceled in writing at least 24 hours before the start of the lesson. In this case, the missed lesson can be made up for in another course (at the same time or later) or paid as a voucher for a follow-up course. Without a corresponding cancellation, SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH GbR is entitled not to catch up on the hour and not to refund the remuneration. Arranged hours for Monday can be canceled until the previous Friday, 12:00. For cancellations of an appointment on a public holiday, the same cancellation period applies for the previous working day. If the cancellation is made in due time, the date will be rescheduled. If the appointment is cancelled too late or not, there is
no right to make up for the missed lesson.

§ 5 Classification:

If you already have previous knowledge, please send your latest course certificate to info@servusmundo.com. If we do not receive any proof from you, we will classify you through an interview.

§6 Payment for the course:

All payments must be made free of charge to the recipient. All bank charges associated with payment of the invoice are borne by the customer.

§6.1 Payment of the course fee via bank transfer to:

Company SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR IBAN: DE 63 7015 0000 1006 0811 92 BIC/SWIFT: SSKMDEMMXXX
Subject: Name of course participant

§6.2 Sales tax

Language teaching is exempt from sales tax in Germany. (§4 No. 21a and b UStG)

§7 Course books:

Course book costs are not included in the course price.

§8 Too few participants:

SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR reserves the right to postpone, cancel or merge a course with another comparable course if too few participants have registered compared to the advertised course or if the course cannot be carried out due to other circumstances beyond its control. In the event of cancellation, the participant can choose to switch to another offered course or withdraw from the contract. In the event of such a withdrawal, any fees paid will be refunded to the participant. The participant cannot make any further claims.

§9 Cancellation, refund of course fees:

In the case of a language course booked online, the contract can be cancelled within the statutory cancellation period of 14 days after the conclusion of the contract. The declaration of withdrawal must be made in writing and must be submitted to SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR. After that, it is no longer possible to cancel. If the course is not cancelled on time and/or in accordance with regulations, the full course price must be paid.

§10 Cancellation of the course:

Cancellation of the contract is only permitted up to five working days before the start of the course and must be submitted in writing. A processing fee of €50, — will be charged.
Withdrawal or cancellation is excluded within five working days before the start of the course and during the agreed period (between the first and last course day) and the full course price must be paid. All language courses can be canceled free of charge up to 5 working days before the start of the course. The cancellation declaration must be made in writing and must be submitted to SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR. After that, it is no longer possible to cancel. If the course is not cancelled on time and/or in accordance with regulations, the full course price must be paid. This rule applies regardless of the time of registration. Courses are booked for a pre-defined period of time or a predetermined number of hours for private and corporate courses. If appointments are missed and/or language courses are interrupted, there is no entitlement to a refund of a partial amount or to replacement lessons. The mere absence from a course is not considered a cancellation, which means that the obligation to
Payment of the course fee is retained.

§11 Irregular attendance:

In the event of an irregular attendance of the participant, the course fees will not be refunded and the missed lessons cannot be made up for at any other time. The mere absence from a course is not considered a cancellation, which means that the obligation to pay the course fee remains unchanged.

§12 Weekends, holidays:

There are generally no lessons on national holidays. The cancelled lessons will not be refunded and will not be made up for at any other time.

§13 Photos:

The participant hereby agrees that photos taken during the course or during joint events may be published in the advertising materials of SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR or on the Internet, in particular on social media platforms. If you do not agree, you must inform us of this on the registration form before the course starts. You can also withdraw your consent. Details: https://www.servusmundo.com/datenschutz

§14 Liability:

  1. The company SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR is fully liable for intent and gross negligence
  2. SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR is liable for simple negligence only if essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations) are breached. Liability is limited to typical and foreseeable damage, but up to a maximum of EUR 400.
  3. Any further liability than in this contract — regardless of the legal nature of the claim made — is excluded.
  4. Insofar as liability is excluded or limited in accordance with Sections 2 and 3, this also applies to
    personal liability of employees, teachers, vicarious agents or representatives.
    In particular, SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR is not liable for technical circumstances or the like, unless the technical defect is attributable to SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR. The participants are liable for all damage caused by them and are obliged to pay compensation in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. The organizer is not liable for any damage. Course participants have no accident or health insurance from SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR.

§ 15 Salvatory clause:

Should any provision of this contract be ineffective, the effectiveness of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR undertakes to replace the invalid provision with an effective provision that is as close as possible to this provision.
The organizer of the language courses is: SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR Franz-Sperr-Weg 8, 80995 Munich +49 89 24581988 info@servusmundo.com

§ 16 Intellectual and industrial property:

This website is the property of SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR. The intellectual and industrial property rights, exploitation and reproduction rights of this website (pages, screens, information, appearance, structure and design, source code, audio files and software as well as links) are owned, transferred or licensed for the benefit of SCHYRBOCK, TUBAILEH, Munich Language Coaches GbR, unless otherwise stated.